Who Can Apply and Requirements for NPower Recruitment

Who Can Apply and Requirements for NPower Recruitment

Sunny B. Ekpe
By -
As NPower is about to commence the recruitment exercise a few days from now, prospective applicants have been asking StonicBlog to know the category of applicants N-Power will be recruiting this year. So we decided to create this post to give you an insight into the NPower Recruitment Requirements.
NPower has graduate and non-graduate categories, the graduate category is for applicants with University, polytechnic, and NCE certificates. While the non-graduate category is for candidates with SSCE or related certificates.

In the graduate categories, degree holders will be enrolled as teachers, health Extention, and Agriculture Extention workers in their various communities of residents. While the non-graduate categories are basically more of a skill acquisition program, they will be enrolled to be trained in software and hardware engineering, creatives and NPower build.

Requirements Needed to Apply for NPower Recruitment 

  1. Name (Surname first)
  2. Valid E-mail
  3. Password
  4. Educational Background
  5. National youth service certificate
  6. Birth certificate
  7. Local Government identification letter
  8. Bank Verification Number
  9. Phone number
  10. Bank Account Details (Account Number and Bank Name)
  11. State origin LGA community
  12. Residential address
  13. Local Government of resident
  14. State of origin
  15. The program you prefer

Education Qualification that can apply

  1. SSCE
  2. ND
  3. NCE
  4. HND
  5. BSC
N-Power Programme is designed for unemployed Nigerian youths between the age range of 18-35 years old. And as such, NPower does not welcome applications from people who are already gainfully employed in other private or public organizations.

How to be Selected and mistakes to Avoid

While there are NO automatic ways to be selected in the forthcoming recruitment, this article provides some help to prospective applicants who may be interested in the program, on how to scale through to the selection and final list without hitches.

To be selected:

  • Only 18 years of age and above can register, the system will fetch out under-aged or over-aged applicants.
  • N-power program is only for the unemployed graduates, civil servants both at the state and federal need not apply as the system via BVN will expose them.
  • When writing the mandatory test, candidates are advised to use desktop computers or laptops, Ipad or phones with a good internet connection to avoid hitches.
  • You are to proceed to the device selection option and select your device immediately after you finish your test.
  • Applicants are to keep their registration/ application number secretly, it will be used for reference when occasion demands it.
  • Applicant's Date-of-Birth on Bank Verification Number MUST tally with the Date-of-Birth on the Bank Account used.
  • Applicants' Names on the Bank Verification Number MUST tally with the Names on the Bank Account Number.
  • Applicants must possess certificates from high institutions (like Bsc, HND, Nd, MSc, etc.) O’level is out of the equation.
  • Applicants must write the mandatory test; the test encompasses questions drawn from different segments of the program.
  • Double registration is an automatic disqualification, be warned
We advise applicants to:
  • Go for N-agro or N-teach, more people are needed there than N-tax and N-health for the graduate category.
  • For none graduates, you are advised to go creative, you might be selected than N-build.
  • The N-Power portal will be opened at 11:45pm, on June 26th.
  • Application is online so ensure when you are applying, you have good internet service.
  • The application is for applicants between the age of 18-35 years old.
  • Ensure you are not an existing employee in any organization.

How to Register for N-Power Recruitment

  1. Input your valid contact information (email or phone number).
  2. The information will be redirected to your email for confirmation.
  3. Once your email address has been confirmed, you are to fill in your 11-digit BVN and date of birth in the following format (dd/mm/yy). Note that if your BVN details are inaccurate, you will not be allowed to go past this interface.
  4. Fill in your surname, first name, and middle name in identical terms to your BVN information for your biodata and contact page.
  5. Kindly indicate if you have received education or not on the education and programme page. The N-Power programme is open to all, however.
  6. The N-Teach and N-Health sub-programmes are however open to only graduates. ii. (In addition, please note that for N-Power Health, selection preference will be given to holders of Bachelor’s Degree, HND, or OND in health sciences such as Medicine, Microbiology, Nursing, Public Health, Botany, Midwifery, Psychology or other allied disciplines in the sciences). iii. Where applicable, you will be required to upload your degree certificates and NYSC certificate.
  7. You will be required to answer some questions and upload your Government issued Identity Card on the employment and other details page. Kindly note that the acceptable Government IDs are International passports, National ID Card issued by NIMC, Valid Driver’s Licenses, and Permanent Voter’s Card.
  8. Review all the information you have inputted and then submit it on the review and submit page upon submission, you will receive a unique ID number. write it down and keep it safe.
Note: To be successfully shortlisted in the pre-selection stage, you must answer all the questions within a short time, preferably if you could use 5 minutes to answer 30 or more questions, the better your chances of being selected.

Please share this post on all your social media platforms for other applicants to get enlightened too.

Source: NPower News